Creta Votanica - Chamomile BIO


  • Brands Creta Votanica
  • Product Code: spc00287
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Weight:
One of the best stomachic infusions is prepared from chamomile flowers. Dried chamomile has many healing properties and for this reason it is often recommended by doctors as a reliever.

Tags: Herbal Pharmacy Natural Cosmetics Bio Vegetarian Vegan Infusions Relaxation Detox Therapeutic

Creta Votanica is a production and formulation company of aromatic plants, essential oils and olive oil based in Sitia on the north-east coast of Crete. The purpose and concern of the company is to share with the world the taste and aroma properties of organic products that remind of other times.

One of the best stomachic infusions is prepared from chamomile flowers.

Dried chamomile has many healing properties and for this reason it is often recommended by doctors as a reliever.

Quantity: 20 gr

Producer Openfarm:

*Caution: Herbal and natural products are and should be treated as medicines. Always consult your doctor when using herbs to treat a health problem.